First National

First National

Tuesday, March 27, 2012


A solution to Australia’s sluggish start to the property market for 2012 may rest with the New Homes Building sector says First National Real Estate JM Chase, especially if associated regulatory and government taxes were reduced.

“New home building is a key barometer for the health of the domestic economy and can often drive first home buyer activity,” Jee Chin, principal, First National Real Estate JM Chase said.

“But the disappointingly weak start for new home sales early this year, indicate low interest rates are not enough to sustain improvements in new home building conditions and something more needs to be done at the policy level.”

An industry report released in February this year showed a decline of 7.3 per cent in seasonally adjusted new home sales in January, with Victoria experiencing the sharpest decline of 19.6 per cent.

“The report also showed a decline in detached house sales for NSW and SA as well, which further weakened results, but strengthened the case for government action,” Jee Chin said.

According to Jee Chin, a real opportunity exists for governments to set the new home building agenda and look at policy reform that will reduce new home building taxes.

“Up until now, both state and federal governments have relied on Victoria to prop up this segment of the Australian market, but the results show they can no longer do that.  It is up to governments to show leadership and do something,” Jee Chin said.

“Policy reform, especially reducing taxes and costs for home building would have a multiplier effect.  It would attract people in a financial position to build a new home, and have the knock on effect of increasing economic activity through jobs and sales activity.

“Everyone’s a winner, so why can’t we build more new homes?”

Monday, March 19, 2012


Jee Chin, Principal, First National Real Estate JM Chase says there will be a stronger focus on technology for the property market this year, but cautions buyers and sellers to make sure they know the most app-ropriate ones that are fit for their purposes.
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“We know consumers crave information because it gives them power, control and improved certainty over their purchase decisions,” Jee Chin said.

“So, the more information we provide, the better our service delivery. That’s why we have worked so hard, to stay at the forefront of technology in our industry and to ensure we provide the public with what best suits their needs.”

Jee Chin says one technological advancement set to revolutionise the way consumers access real estate information is the Point-Know-Buy (PKB) trend.

“PKB will reshape consumers’ information expectations, search behaviour and purchasing patterns,” Jee Chin said.

“Which is why it is crucial they understand how it works whether they are interested in buying or selling property.”

PKB enables consumers to access information about objects they encounter in the real world while on the go, simply by pointing their smartphone or similar device at anything they are interested in.

“What PKB does is effectively links images to any available information about that picture,” Jee Chin said.

“Which means a buyer can be out and about, perhaps at a display home or open house, point at a prospective piece of real estate and access any available information about it just by pointing their phone.

“No more sitting for hours in front of a computer looking for that ideal house, or being limited to receiving information based on matching words for search engine optimisation or how well you describe something.

“The information will be at their fingertips and instantly accessible, making it much more efficient and convenient for house hunters.”

First National Real Estate JM Chase already uses mobile technology to its fullest advantage through various Apps which give consumers control.

“We can instantly add a customer’s wish list to our database which will highlight properties that are suitable matches,” Jee Chin said.

“We can also demonstrate to home sellers the impact on the number of potential buyers if a selling price is too high. Our mobile Apps allow our agents to demonstrate, using a sliding scale, how many buyers are waiting on our database for their home, based on their asking price.

“Mobile Apps also allow us to offer superior property management services for both landlords and tenants through an application that adds a tenant to our database at inspections and another one that enables us to provide a much more thorough and efficient condition reporting tool for landlords.”

The coming 12 months is expected to see a full-blown expansion of technology, especially PKB, and First National is advising consumers to make sure they are up to date with all the latest breakthroughs so they can use the one most app-ropriate for their needs.

Wednesday, March 7, 2012


First National Real Estate today announced its official sponsorship of the 2012 Regional Victoria Living Expo, testimony to its commitment to the local community in which it works and lives.

The 2012 Regional Victoria Living Expo aims to bring regional and rural Victoria to Melbourne to showcase the business, lifestyle and cultural riches country Victoria has to offer.

“Country or rural living offers many lifestyle benefits for people and, increasingly, Melburnians are seeking those out,” First National Real Estate JM Chase principal, Jee Chin said.

“We have 83 offices throughout Victoria, with more than half, 47 in fact, located in regional areas, so it is only fitting that we support our communities by highlighting to city-dwellers the many prospects and opportunities on offer.”

Jee Chin said that the trend for ‘city folk’ to relocate to, or find business and investment opportunities in the country had been growing, especially in recent years, and the Expo is an ideal opportunity for them to find out all about regional Victoria and what it has to offer.

“It can often be daunting for someone looking to purchase a property in the country to find the right area offering the right mix of business, lifestyle, cultural and recreational living,” Jee Chin said.

“It can also be nerve-racking to make their decision when they are not sure of the area or where the growth opportunities lie.  This is why an Expo like this has been sorely needed for some time.

 “We are very excited by the Expo because it provides a real opportunity for us to reinforce our commitment to the community and gives us a chance to show off what we can do for our customers.”

The 2012 Regional Victoria Living Expo will run for three days from 27-29 April, 2012 at the Melbourne Exhibition Centre 2 Clarendon Street, Southbank, Melbourne, Australia.

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