First National

First National

Thursday, November 20, 2014

Two-horse race: 63 Nepean Highway, Aspendale, sold for $2.56 million.

Two-horse race: 63 Nepean Highway, Aspendale, sold for $2.56 million. 

Family buyers were out in force at auctions across Melbourne on Saturday, with many paying a premium to secure a sale before Christmas.
In Port Melbourne, a young family looking to upgrade leapfrogged one downsizer and three other upsizers to buy 220 Princes Street.
They purchased the double-fronted Victorian for $1,402,000 from hockingstuart's David Wood after paying $52,000 over the reserve.
Mr Wood said family homes with "a scarcity factor" in the area were performing well.
Meanwhile, Rod Richardson from hockingstuart's Mentone office also sold a luxurious beachfront property in Aspendale for a premium.
It was a two-horse race between two family buyers for a 20-year-old four-bedroom house at 63 Nepean Highway before the buyers won the keys for $2.56 million, $160,000 over reserve.
Three family buyers battled it out for a single-level three-bedroom house at 1A John Street in the heart of Kew.
Jellis Craig's Richard Earle knocked down the 697-square-metre property down to a family with children enrolled in private schools nearby for $2.7 million - $450,000 above reserve. The group reported a preliminary clearance rate of 81 per cent.
Family buyers were also triumphant at the auction of a four-bedroom house in Malvern, complete with north-south tennis court and heated pool.
Industry insiders told Domain Numberr 5-7 Woodmason Street sold for $4.69 million after competitive bidding from four parties.
Marshall White achieved a preliminary clearance rate of 88 per cent.
A new agency on the block also made waves in Hampton East, setting a new price record for the suburb.
Alex Spanidis of Branon Real Estate sold the four-bedroom house at 4 Lonsdale Avenue for $1,471,000, about $150,000 above reserve.

Friday, July 4, 2014

Make your kitchen sing at sale time

It’s common knowledge that there are some keys selling points or drawcards when it comes to selling your property.
Kitchens, bathrooms, outdoor living areas and, depending on the location, car parking are major players.
It goes without saying that you need to focus on your assets and make sure they are singing in tune with the calibre of property you are presenting to the market.

So what makes or breaks the way a kitchen is presented?

First let’s consider what sort of image or vision we are trying to sell when staging and styling the kitchen space. It could be any or all of the following:
  1. A cook’s kitchen
  2. An entertainer’s kitchen
  3. A family kitchen
  4. A kitchen perfect for a takeaway food lover.

One thing is certain: we’re not trying to sell the image or vision of:
  1. A hard to maintain kitchen
  2. A kitchen that needs upgrading
  3. A kitchen with little storage
  4. A kitchen that doesn’t accommodate entertaining.
Regardless of the vision you want to create for your kitchen (and this will be largely focused on the buyer or target markets)  here are my tips to making sure that your kitchen shines for sale.

1. Gut it

The first step is undoubtedly getting rid of anything from your kitchen that it’s not essential to have in the house during the sale process.
This might be the serving ware that’s only used at Christmas, the chocolate fountain that comes out every Easter or the slow cooker that never sees the light of day except in the coldest month of the year.

In this new-found cupboard space you will need put anything that clutters up your benches day to day; everything in your kitchen needs to have a home in a cupboard or a drawer, not on your kitchen bench.
Next stop is the pantry. Remove all out-of-date or almost empty packets. At least a third of the pantry contents need to be removed and thrown out or stored off site.
It’s essential that the pantry and cupboards look like there’s room to move and that storage space in the kitchen is certainly not at capacity.


2. Clean it

All of the things most people don’t get a chance to clean every week must be sparkling. This includes.
  • Range hood
  • Oven
  • Behind and under the fridge
  • Microwave pocket
  • Under the dishwasher
  • Pendent lights
  • Sky light

3. Organise it

You’ve have gone to the trouble of emptying and cleaning the kitchen, so go the extra mile and organise it as you put the contents back in.
This is especially important in kitchens that have opaque glass cupboard fronts or open shelving where the contents are on display; consider the heights and colours of the items when putting them away, as well as the position of the labels.
A well-organised cupboard promotes the concept of a well-maintained, well cared for and well-loved kitchen, an ideal impression to be giving a buyer.


4. Introduce life & colour

The modern kitchen is no longer a pure utility space. It’s an integrated living space in the home and hence it needs to be dressed to feel that way.
Consider the following to add some life:
  • Flowers – simple and one type of flower or mixed foliage rather than a traditional bouquet.
  • Herbs  or terrariums – make sure they are fresh and thriving.
  • Cook books – nothing gives life to a space like books and the kitchen is not exception. Choose your best good books to adorn a shelf or as a stack on the bench.
  • Fruit – in  a monochrome manner not a mixed bunch.
Only leave one showpiece appliance, like a stand mixer or coffee machines, but only if you have a large amount of kitchen bench space.

5. Show off its capacity

If you have an eat-in or breakfast bar facility in the kitchen, don’t assume everyone will notice it unless you show them. Make sure there’s seating on show in this space.


6. Maintain it

Once all this hard work is done, make sure you keep it in this way for the sale period.

Thursday, June 19, 2014

Decorating a cake is no rocket science!

Turns out garden flowers aren't just to embelish our gardens.

have a look at these amazing dishes wrapped in a nursery's worth of edible blooms, and we're not sure which we'd rather do: dig in greedily or shove it on a shelf to gaze at adoringly. Life is tough sometimes!

Have you got an event coming up soon? instead of using the common ice cream decoration, why not think out of the box and sprinkle some petals on that block of goodness. Be careful though! Taking a bite out of these culinary arts could almost break your heart. It's just too beautiful.

Click to enlarge image flower-cake-1.jpg

7 Cupcake flowers A Day to Remember

 5 Outside the box wedding ideas A Day to Remember

Purple wedding color palette

 A spring wedding cake covered in lilac flowers and blossom

Edible flowers on cake

 And it's not just the sweets stuff.

The recipe uses flowers you could probably find in your garden, like
rose petals, carnations, pansies, lilac and chamomile.

Adding flowers to a dish can add so much more than just colours.


edible flowers

Edible Flowers

 And...It's not just the savoury!

Edible flower peach coloured cocktails

Edible Flowersdrinks with edible flowers
Hope this inspired you. Now you know decorating food is no rocket science, why don't you give it a go? But first lets see what flowers can be eaten.


Friday, May 16, 2014

Federal budget 2014: what it means to the property sector

The economy

Ask any real estate agent and they will tell you that the overall economy has a big influence on the health of the property market.
While some feared a savage tightening, Hockey has restricted cuts to government spending to just 1.7% in 2014-15, with most of the pain shuffled to the ‘out years’ starting in 2016-17.
Economic growth is forecast at 2.5% next year, with unemployment rising from 5.8% now to 6.25% in 2015.
16,500 public servants will go mostly through natural attrition – a result unlikely to please anyone with an interest in ACT property.
Most of the pain will be in the health and education sectors but the heavy lifting has been shifted to the states, starting in 2017. So expect to see some tougher decisions closer to home later on – and perhaps a rise in the GST.


Families are the largest buyers of real estate in Australia, particularly in the middle and outer-ring suburbs of large cities and regional areas like south east Queensland.
Their spending power will be crimped a little with family tax benefit increases frozen from this year and FTB-B gradually restricted to households earning $100,000 per year.

The property industry

The new government foreshadowed that assistance to industry would be wound back and that’s exactly what they did – and the property sector was no exception.
The slow starting National Rental Affordability Scheme, designed to help build new homes for low and moderate income earners, has been frozen pending a review, and First Home Saver Accounts have been abolished along with a pilot scheme for seniors wanting to downsize their home.

The budget forecasts growth in private investment in housing at 7.5% next year, which seems a pretty optimistic number given it is more than double this year’s growth.
For Australia’s 1.9 million property investors, the budget brings a big sigh of relief – negative gearing survives intact.


Just as we predicted last September, road spending has been a big winner with multi-billion projects scheduled to proceed right around the country.
The most important of these include:
  • a North-South arterial road in Adelaide
  • WestConnex in Sydney
  • the East-West Link in Melbourne
  • a long overdue upgrade of the Bruce Highway in Queensland
  • a new bypass in Toowoomba.
road, Perth
But wait, there’s more. Thanks to the ‘infrastructure asset recycling program’, state governments will receive a subsidy equivalent to 15% of an asset sale if they plough the money back into new infrastructure.


There’s a final rub to the forecasting and future gazing, thanks to the Australian constitution.
Some of the measures announced last night  cannot be attached to the appropriation bills, which means that to take effect they must be approved by both houses of parliament in their own right.
Three of the most contentious – the paid parental leave scheme, the increase in petrol excise and the so-called deficit levy on high income earners – have already attracted public opposition from some of the Senators needed to pass them.
In other words, while we have a budget printed on paper, its final form hasn’t been settled yet – and there is plenty of politics still to come.

Friday, January 31, 2014

the modern world

The role architecture plays in our everyday lives is astronomical, architecture surrounds us daily. The architects behind these buildings and homes are what we love and the following 10 architects have paved the way for ingenious design, cutting edge innovation and have become pioneers of our built environment. Take a look at what we think are 10 of the greatest modern architects of our time.

1.)  Frank Gehry (born 2.28.1929):

There is no mistaking Gehry’s works, as they are the most distinctive, and innovative architectural phenomena around. His deconstructive forms are iconic as tourists flock to all of his buildings worldwide to marvel at the architectural forms he creates.  Named by Vanity Fair as “the most important architect of our age”, he has set the precedence for contemporary architecture. His ability to create spaces that manipulate forms and surfaces is his most notable feats and we all love his unique uses of materials that almost defy all logic in how they work together.
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Frank Gehry’s – City of Wine Complex, Northern Spain
Frank Gehry Cleveland Clinic Lou Ruvo Center e1344904432751 Iconic Legends: The 10 Greatest Modern Architects of Our Time
Frank Gehry – Lou Rovo Center
His most notable projects include: The Walt Disney Concert Hall in Los Angeles, The Guggenheim Museum in Bilbao, Der Neue Zollhof in Düsseldorf and the Marqués de Riscal Vineyard Hotel in Elciego.

2.)  Frank Lloyd Wright (born 6.8.1867):

Some consider Frank Lloyd Wright to be the greatest architect of all time. For he thought of interior & exterior spaces as one and was ahead of his time in building forms, construction methods, and never went to a formal architecture school.  His humble American upbringing led him to learning under Louis Sullivan – another legend in architecture and to this day Wright is noted for his prairie-style buildings and organic influences. His organic and natural forms that seemed to become one with nature and his innovative detailing are still considered to be the best building and design concepts, even after nearly 150 years.
FLWright collage Iconic Legends: The 10 Greatest Modern Architects of Our Time
Frank Lloyd Wright’s greatest works: Guggenheim, Fallingwater and more…
His most notable projects include: The Guggenheim Museum in New York City, New York, Fallingwater Residence in Mill Run, Pennsylvania, Arizona State University Gammage Auditorium & Taliesin West – Wright’s home and studio in Scottsdale, Arizona.

3.)  Ieoh Ming Pei – I.M. Pei (born 4.26.1917):

The Chinese born architect came to study architecture in the United States as a teenager and later became one of the greatest architects of modern architecture. Almost 80 years later I.M. Pei’s work can be seen worldwide and are noted for their unique use of geometric forms and incorporating Chinese influences into his work. His National Center for Atmospheric Research in Colorado embodies Pei’s iconic geometric forms and unity with natural elements in their surroundings. Pei’s work graces some of the most prestigious government and acclaimed sites throughout the world.
IMPei National Center for Atmospheric Research   Boulder Colorado Iconic Legends: The 10 Greatest Modern Architects of Our Time
I.M. Pei’s – National Center for Atmospheric Research
IMPei Louvre Paris Iconic Legends: The 10 Greatest Modern Architects of Our Time
I.M. Pei’s entrance to the Le Grand Louvre in Paris
Fiery on the outside: Modern home from Bates Masi Architects
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I.M. Pei
His most profound projects include: John F. Kennedy Presidential Library and Museum in Boston, The National Gallery of Art in Washington D.C., Le Grand Louvre (The Pyramid) in Paris, The Bank of China Tower in Hong Kong and the Museum of Islamic Art in Doha.

4.) Zaha Hadid (born 10.31.1950)

The first woman architect who ever won the Pritzker Architecture prize went to the legendary Zaha Hadid. Born in Iraq Hadid went on to win this iconic award which is often termed the ‘Nobel peace prize of architecture’. Hadid’s forms are characterized as futuristic, unconventional, daring and artistic. Many of her projects were never built and she still was ranked on Forbes list at 69th most powerful women in 2008. Her beautiful buildings always leave us with our mouths open, as if to say, “How did she design that?”
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Zaha Hadid and her many works, including a mobile museum for Chanel with Karl Lagerfield
Her most noted projects are: MAXXI – the National Museum of the 21st Century Arts the Bridge Pavilion in Zaragoza, Bergisel Ski Jump in Innsbruck, Phaeno Science Center and the Opera House in Guangzhou.

5.)  Philip Johnson (born 7.8.1906)

Noted as the American architect who founded the Department of Architecture and Design at the Museum of Modern Art in New York City, Johnson’s architectural works are easily identifiable. His glass house in Connecticut is one of the most familiar residences with its minimal interiors and expansive glass vistas were just one example of his use of the material. His amazing use of glass, steel and later crystal became his world-renowned fame.  The Crystal Cathedral in California looks as though it should be in a child’s fairytale book it is the epitome of forward-thinking architecture that characterized Johnson’s Minimalism and Pop-Art styles.
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Philip Johnson’s private residence – The Glass House
Philip Johnson crystal cathedral Iconic Legends: The 10 Greatest Modern Architects of Our Time
Philip Johnson’s Crystal Cathedral
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His most notable works are the Seagram Building in New York City, in collaboration with architect, Mies van der Rohe, Philip-Johnson-House in Berlin, Germany, The Museum of Television of Radio & The Crystal Cathedral in California.

6.)  Tom Wright (born 9.18.1957)

Is it possible to become one of the greatest modern architects of our time if you are only noted for one building? When the building is the most recognizable hotel in Dubai, yes. British architect, Tom Wright is responsible for the Burj Al Arab in Dubai. Acclaimed for its luxurious amenities as a hotel and also one of the most recognizable buildings in modern architecture. Noted with the world’s tallest atrium, and equipped with its own helicopter landing pad and tallest tennis court at the top, Tom Wright definitely deserves to join the list of great modern architects.
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Tom Wright’s Burj Al Arab in Dubai
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Tom Wright’s – helipad is also the worlds highest tennis court
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The atrium looking up in Burj Al Arab Hotel
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Tom Wright

7.)  Ludwig Mies van der Rohe (born 3.27.1886)

Referred to commonly as “Mies”, the German-American architect is termed one of the pioneers of modern architecture along with Le Corbusier and Walter Gropius. Mies was known for his minimalist and “less is more” approach to architecture and his forward thinking of using plate glass and structural steel to divide interior spaces is one of his most notable characteristics in architecture. His innovative open floor plan concepts were first thought of by Van der Rohe and many of his interior concepts & furniture styles are widely used in today’s architecture and interiors.
Mies Crown Hall Iconic Legends: The 10 Greatest Modern Architects of Our Time
Mies’ – Crown Hall
Mies Barcelona Pavilion by van der rohe Iconic Legends: The 10 Greatest Modern Architects of Our Time
Mies’ – Barcelona Pavilion
Mies Barcelona chair Iconic Legends: The 10 Greatest Modern Architects of Our Time
Mies Van Der Rohe – Barcelona chair is iconic in furniture design
Mies portrait Iconic Legends: The 10 Greatest Modern Architects of Our Time
Mies Van Der Rohe
His most notable projects include Barcelona Pavilion, in Barcelona, Spain, New National Gallery in Berlin, Germany, Seagram Building in New York City and Crown Hall in Chicago, Illinois.

8.)  Renzo Piano (born 9.14.1937)

The Italian born architect was named one of Time magazine’s top 100 most influential people in 2008. Piano who is an Italian Pritzker prize-winning architect has been instrumental in shaping modern architecture that stands on its own in recognition. The Shard – Europe’s tallest skyscraper in London has faced much controversy in its construction, but many feel it has given London a way to join the 21stcentury. In his younger years he worked with the world-renowned architect Louis Kahn and soon become known for his unique applications of materials and details.
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The Shard Bridge
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Piano’s Kansai International Airport
Piano NEMO Amsterdam e1345030773338 Iconic Legends: The 10 Greatest Modern Architects of Our Time
Piano’s – NEMO Science Center
Piano portrait Iconic Legends: The 10 Greatest Modern Architects of Our Time
Renzo Piano
Piano’s most notable projects include: The newly opened Shard in London, England, NEMO Science Center in Amsterdam, The New York Times building in New York, and Kansai International Airport in Osaka, Japan.

9.)  Jean Nouvel (born 8.12.1945)

Nouvel is a French born architect who has won numerous prestigious awards and honors over the years for his projects, including the Prtizker Prize in 2008. Nouvel’s most acclaimed fame came from winning the design competition for the Arab World Institute in Paris that brought him international fame. Mechanical lenses in the south wall open & shut automatically and are reminiscent of Arabic latticework. The devices control interior lighting automatically from exterior light levels. Nouvel’s work is known worldwide and his use of innovative architectural concepts set him apart from many modern architects today.
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Nouvel’s Arab World Institute
Nouvel Arab hallway Iconic Legends: The 10 Greatest Modern Architects of Our Time
Nouvel’s innovative use of day lighting devices in the Arab World Institute
Nouvel Dentsu building Iconic Legends: The 10 Greatest Modern Architects of Our Time
Nouvel’s Dentsu Building
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Nouvel’s master plan for Seguin Island in France
Nouvel’s projects of note include: Arab World Institute in Paris, Denstu Building in Tokyo, Ziaty Andel in Prague, and Gasometer A in Vienna and Les Grandes Tables of Seguin Island in Paris.

10.) Moshe Safdie (born 7.14.1938)

Safdie is another product of Louis Kahn’s apprenticeship that led to his remarkable modern architecture career. Originally from Haifa, Safdie is known for his 1967 International & Universal Exposition – Expo 67, which was Canada’s main celebration during its centennial year, and was deemed a remarkable cultural achievement. Safdie has been awarded with much recognition of which the Gold Medal, from the Royal Architectural Institute of Canada is among the finest.
National Gallery of Canada Iconic Legends: The 10 Greatest Modern Architects of Our Time
Safdie’s – National Gallery of Canada
MosheSafdie Habitat67 Iconic Legends: The 10 Greatest Modern Architects of Our Time
Safdie’s – Habitat 67
Safdie Khalsa Gallery buildings and reflecting ponds1 Iconic Legends: The 10 Greatest Modern Architects of Our Time
Safdie’s – Khalsa Heritage Memorial
MosheSafdie portrait Iconic Legends: The 10 Greatest Modern Architects of Our Time
Moshe Safdie
Safdie finest projects include: The towering & glass filled – National Gallery of Canada,  Habitat 67 in Montreal, & Khalsa Heritage Memorial in Punjab, India.
Narrowing down the top 10 architects of modern architecture is a feat in itself, for there are thousands of architects and designers who have paved the way for creating awe-inspiring additions to our built environment. We would love to know Freshome who you would add to this list, for we know that that our so many we wish we could have included!

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