First National

First National

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

How can you keep up to date with the property market?

Many of our clients ask how they can best keep up with the property market. How DO you know roughly what houses are selling for in you area? How do you keep track of it all. I always tell them that RSS feeds are the way to go. But what are RSS feeds, how will they help, and how do you use them?

What are RSS feeds?
RSS stands for Rich Site Summary. They gather the latest content from your favourite sites. This saves you time because it means you don't have to visit each site individually.

How will they help?
Rather than visiting all the real estate sites, searching your area, scrolling through to find similar properties to yours, an RSS feed will gather all this for you. The property list at the top of this blog, for example, is an RSS feed of all of our properties from

How do you use them?
Setting up an RSS feed can seem a bit daunting at first, even for the technologically savvy, but they are worth the initial effort. Essentially here's what you need:
  • You need an RSS feeder. This can be an online tool, such as Google Reader, which links to your gmail email account. Alternatively you can download a free program, such as FeedReader.
  • Once you have a reader, you need to go to the website you wish to follow (for example, perform your search as usual, then look for the RSS feed button (see example below).

  • Click on the RSS feed button, then follow the instructions to subscribe to the feed (pictured below).

For more information, is a great little website.

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