First National

First National

Friday, November 9, 2012

Are you as optimistic as today's Gen Y about the housing future?

Yes they say property prices in the future is gonna be extremely high. Yes, some have said there will be more apartments than houses. Concerned about your accessibility into the housing market? Are you panicking that you might not be able to afford one? Well, don't.

Why not take a leaf out of today's Gen Y? Most of Gen Y believe very strongly that they will be financially capable of achieving housing goals despite fewer savings and less long term plans.

72% of Gen Y respondents said they would consider purchasing a property with a friend or family member in order to enter the property market - becoming innovative and creating new ways to attaining a house.

SHARING is the "new black" towards property and ownership. Not a compromise at all!

Collaborative consumption is a rising trend in Australia, and young people are particularly at home with a sharing economy that helps everybody win more in the long term.

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