First National

First National

Friday, May 3, 2013

Cohabiting: The moving in together checklist


Moving in together is MASSIVE decision. It's alot of work getting a house together, working out how you will both finance the property together.. It's very different when you're actually living with that person.. are you really ready to move in together? Have you really thought it through? Is it a good idea? Hmmm.... for full article here

Is your relationship healthy?

Let's face it.. By this stage you're probably not in the "honeymoon period" and it’s important to discuss what your expectations are in terms of the daily grind – who will do the cleaning, cooking or take out the garbage?

Some basic questions:
- Do you genuinely like each other? 
- Are you really in it for the long haul?
- Do you have the same vision of the future together?  
- Are your lifestyles compatible? 

When the going gets tough...

This is reality : Living together means seeing each other at your best and worst. There's no place to hide.

Have you seen each other sick or stressed? Have you fought or bickered? How did you deal with it?

Test the waters

Do a test run for a month or so at one or other of your houses.
Of course the reality of actually living together will be different, but it's as close as you’ll get to the real thing before you take the plunge.

Money talks

Moving is costly.Moving IN ties you together financially.
You need to make sure you and your partner can cover the costs of sharing, and discuss and plan how you’ll split the expenses like rental bond, weekly rent, bills and groceries.
If it all comes crashing down how will you deal with the fall out?
Have a financial – and emotional – 'get out' plan. Nothing too formal and strict. Just set a time span of say an hour on whatever day you choose. This way it's less intimidating and stressful. You can mentally prep yourself before the discussion. AND it will be more productive and effective!!

Make sure you both sign on the dotted line

If the relationship breaks up you could be homeless and out of pocket, so get your name on the lease or mortgage, make sure things are divided fairly.

Two ingredients for a happy cohabitation:



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