First National

First National

Friday, July 5, 2013

FREE PROPERTY SEMINAR: How I Went From Virtually Zero to $3.5 Million in Real Estate in My First 18 Months... And Replaced My Income

7 Reasons Why You Must Attend The Great Real Estate Boom Ahead Conference:

  1. How To Find Hot Deals With Yields Of 8-12% Positive Cash-Flow That Are Perfect For Investors.
  2. The Exact Way To Create No-money-down Deals If You're Struggling Financially To Get Started In Real Estate. I Did This With My Very First Deals.
  3. The Next Capital City that is Set to Boom and Make Investors Rich in the Next 24 - 36 Months.
  4. How To Laugh at Tough Economic Times and Create Your Own Property Boom. One of My Students Went From Losing $700pw to over $1,825pw in Positive Cashflow (in just 18 months)
  5. How to Find Amazing Deals At 50% Discounts to Previous Values and Returning 15% Rental Yields For Under $100,000
  6. Mining Boom Dead? I'll Show You 3 Specific Mining Areas That Are Still Growing and Producing Great Cash-Flow and Growth Right Now (One of these areas is just one hour from a capital city)
  7. 5 Amazing Case Studies of How Several of My Students Have Replaced Their Income in the Last 24 Months... You'll love this section.

Late Freemason Predicts Aussie Property Set for 14-Year-Boom

Predicted Every Property Boom & Bust Since He First Wrote About it Publicly in 1909

How did he do it? Simple. He discovered a pattern…
At the beginning of every 18 year cycle, land values (and thus house prices) rise for 14 years…
Then they hit a peak…
Following this, the banks who financed the boom with massive levels of credit growth land themselves in a pickle.
The end result: there’s less credit, property falls, and the stock market tanks for four years.
Then new business generation leads the stock market to recovery (this always happens first), and the property market follows all over again.
Fourteen years up, four down. Round and round, like clockwork. In fact, Phil Anderson, a leading economist from Melbourne who has studied this “dead mans secret” detail designed a clock in 2005, to outline the clocklike behaviour of this process…



So why would I take such a massive risk?
Did I have more money than sense?
Did I want to be some sort of martyr?
Was I stupid? Foolish?
There were less risky options. I could have just sat by and made money hand over fist with the knowledge I possessed. I didn’t have to shout it from the rooftops.
But being the last of 7 siblings, sitting and waiting is not my style. So I took massive action, and at the end of the day all my predictions came true. We didn’t have a mighty crash. The market actually went in the opposite direction and surged ahead in a major way.

In 2009, I Told People My Clients to Buy in Sydney and Melbourne

As you can see from the chart above, had you attended my events in 2009 and taken action on this one little piece of advice you’d be at least $100,000.00 richer by now… whereas those investing in the stock market have seen nothing but sideways movement over this period. 

How was I so certain? How did I know our market wasn’t going to collapse? It’s really quite simple.
Journalists are paid to spin stories that make money. Bad news sells – and so the more bad news they can spread the more newspapers they sell. The more newspapers they sell, the more businesses will advertise – and the more money they’ll make.
By comparison, my predictions were based on facts. Listen… 



Most People Invest With Emotions and That’s Why They Fail

But real estate investing isn’t about emotion, it’s about mathematics.
I invest in data, research and mathematics.
And I’ll show you exactly where to find the same data so you can replicate my results. You’ve just got to know where to look and how to distinguish the relevant from the irrelevant.
Don’t worry, I’ll be sharing some of this data further down the page. But first, let me tell you a story from one of my clients… 


There were plenty of people who sat back and did nothing in 1974, 1980, 1995 and 2000. But don’t you wish you bought a property back then…
Ohh there's so much to read and learn.. For more, click here

You Can Make Enough Money to Retire Faster Than You Ever Imagine!!

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