First National

First National

Friday, February 15, 2013

4 Renovation trends for 2013

Give it a shot... guess what are the 4 renovation trends 2013 is offerring?!

In 2012... home owners focused more on functionality than showy upgrades.
In 2013... home owners are spending their money on smarter, more practical elements to enhance and more effectively utilise their existing space.

1. Multi-purpose rooms

  •  Giving spare rooms a "fixed" purpose.
  •  Flexible designs that are adaptable for their changing needs 

2. Sprucing gardens

  • Less vast open space landscaping... bring on smaller courtyards (that go hand-in-hand with urban dwelling)
  • Less gardening work pleaseee!!!! Pavers and concrete for minimal yard work, cost and exterior maintenance 

3. Modernising outdated kitchens

  •  TOP SECRET REVEALED...... Kitchen remodels = Highest return on investment
  •  Try new cupboard handles, light fittings and a lick of paint can do wonders for updating a tried cooking space.
 It's amazing how one small enhancement changes the look of your kitchen and most definitely on the value of your property

4. Bring out that wild side... by adding colour & prints!

  • Neutral colour palette like we all know is the safer bet. It's flexible, It's fresh...

    But this doesn't mean you can't experiment with "pops" of colour – whether that's a bright splashback in the kitchen or nostalgic wallpaper in the bedroom. Tastefully done and it can add charisma and depth to your home...
    "Pops" of colours doesn't always mean fluro green or pink.. what do you think of the pictures below? It most definitely "pops" in my opinion but in a more subtle but still full of depth....



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