Firstly, let's make sure that we are on the same page...
Inspections are like first dates... First impression is key!!
You might feel nervous, having butterflies in your stomach, a little scared but excited at the same time? |
It's your opportunity to make that first impression. And we all know how important it is. It's what people are gonna remember and associate you with. First impression is key!!! Your chance to market the "wow" factor...
(1) Clean up
- Consider hiring a de-clutterer.
Remove shoes from the entrance and any hazards people might trip over.
- Clean inside ovens, cupboards and wardrobes.... you don't know who decides to indulge themselves into a snoop.
(2) Bright and airy
- Keep your house fresh and airy.... a stuffy house and the potential customers are outta here!!
(3) Camouflage your pets
- Deodourise your property to remove the whiff of little creatures and get
someone who doesn't normally live there to confirm you're clear (you
might be used to it and can't sniff what others can).
- essential oils to create your desired atmosphere??
(4) Personal touch is a magic touch
- Give your house a sense of home with charisma, an edge.... this creates an emotional attachment to with the buyer
(5) Strike the right temperature
- Keep an eye on the weather and heat or cool your home so it's optimal when would-be buyers walk through..... you don't want customers to be fanning themselves because it's too hot. you don't want customers putting on more layers because it's tooo cold!! Set the right temperature and keep them comfortable.
(6) Safety first
- Whether you're attending the inspection or not, you should take
care to remove and protect anything precious or valuable before you
open your house up to strangers - just in case one of them is light
(7) Have paperwork ready
Who knows.. you might just encounter a reeaaaally keen buyer who decides to snap your property up on the spot, you've got all you need to proceed with the discussion.
(8) Make yourself scarce!!!!!
Ever been shopping and the shop attendant watches you roam around their store, watching your every move, constantly asking if you need help, pressuring you to make a decision by staring at you? Nothing is worse than that so...
- If you don't want to leave entirely, consider setting up an area in the
house or yard that can act as a retreat for you while buyers explore.
This way you'll be around for a chat if people want to ask your about
the home or the area, but not so close people feel they can't browse in
- you should leave potential buyers to wander your halls unencumbered and relaxed.
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